CAUTION: I Was WARNED Against Releasing This!

Grab The ONLY Cloud App That Creates
Symbol Based Cryptograms and is
loaded With Flow Layout Tech…

For Bulk Cryptogram Book Creation from an
input file using your own icons & symbols!

Click Below To Play The Video

CLICK the Buy Button Below!

Regular Price $197…You SAVE $50!

You have made a great decision by investing in Cryptogram Puzzles Generator!

You’ve got the necessary tools that you need to create a mini publishing empire and create extremely popular cryptogram puzzle books.

However, there is one thing you still need to do to get to the level of the big boys and girls in the mid content publishing space who are dominating the Cryptogram puzzles niche.

You need to get into creating books that involve true blue cryptogram books consisting of cryptic puzzles designed with icons, symbols and so on.

You need to be able to create this…

Creating symbol based cryptograms
can take ages with conventional
graphic design tools...

even for experienced artists with decades of experience with the apps.

Trust me when I say that because in my experience of running a creative agency that not only creates content for my own publishing business but also creates content for a number of small and medium businesses around the globe, we have used literally every graphic tool you can think of.

I can tell you, even if you were experienced in any one of them it would take you ages to create enough high quality symbol based cryptograms for just one book to publish on KDP.

You don’t have to take my word for it…

Reach out to any design expert out there and ask the time it would take them to create just one book consisting of say 300 cryptograms involving a set of abstract symbols.

I am sure you will get a feel for how long it takes!

And you are not even done yet, not by any stretch of imagination…

You still have to create the book pages, organize the pages in sequence, set up the clues or hints, create the solution pages even before your book is anything remotely looking like the book you imagined.

And all that energy and time required is for just ONE book!

If you know the Amazon KDP model then you know that you need to publish a number of high quality books on the platform so that each one of those books can earn you a few bucks per month, eventually adding up to a nice passive income.

For that to happen
you need…

A way to create high end symbol or icon based cryptograms and be able to put them together to create top quality books to upload to Amazon KDP.

But then the average KDP creator does not have access to the knowledge or resources to make it happen, especially in a niche like symbol based cryptograms.

That is a problem we wanted to solve for ourselves and for our tribe. Little did we know it would take us three years of intense R&D to crack the code open for our tribe to be able to create extremely high end and engaging cryptogram puzzles that look better than an artist’s work and take less than 5% of the time! I am so glad we finally made it!

We have created the simplest solution to create stunning cryptograms containing symbols, icons and abstract illustrations in a matter of minutes. Yep, we are not talking of weeks, we are not talking of months… We are talking about a few hours or days to create complete high quality cryptogram books that you can use in your KDP business.


Cryptogram Puzzles
Generator Premium

Cryptogram Puzzles Generator Premium is our flagship app that is designed to create stunning cryptograms built from symbols and icons thereby giving your cryptogram books a completely unique positioning in the market.

We have taken custom cryptogram puzzles creation to a whole new level of sophistication.

All it takes is less than a minute and a couple of clicks of your mouse to create a symbol based cryptogram.

We’ve made it super easy for you to get started by providing ten premium built in libraries for symbols that you can use right out of the gate.

And that’s not all…

If anything, that’s just the beginning.

With some of the power user features included in this upgrade offer you can create cryptogram puzzle books that tap into the hardcore puzzle solving audience niche in just a few clicks.

And hey, like with all our apps we have kept the flexibility offered in mind.

You can even create high end custom cryptogram puzzles using your own icons.

Think about it for a moment…

With the help of CPG Premium you’ll be able to create exclusive cryptogram puzzles where the phrases or sentences are yours, the symbols and the clues are decided by you, the page layout is crafted by you.

What else is there to be customized to make it your own?

Think hard…

There’s nothing left to be customized!

You can create true blue 100% unique cryptogram puzzle books for your KDP business using the CPG Pro app!

And all that it takes is
three simple steps…

To create a high end symbol
based cryptogram puzzle!

STEP #1: Select the icon to insert the default cryptogram

In the first step you click on the icon to insert the default cryptogram into the canvas. Once you have the default cryptogram on the canvas, select the puzzle to activate the context menu. Once you see the context menu it’s time to move to the next step.

STEP #2: Select one of the 23 cipher strategies

Click on one of the 23 cipher strategies provided in the app engine to insert the cipher or the symbol based puzzle. That’s right, all of these 23 strategies have been built into the library and are ready to go. From this point on all you have to do is click on “SAVE” to create a gorgeous symbol based cryptogram.

STEP #3: Clone and duplicate

Now that you have created a high end symbol based cryptogram puzzle either go ahead and duplicate the process to create multiple pages or use the convenient 1-CLICK download option to download the puzzle. You can download a single page or a complete book in 1-CLICK.

Just in case you are wondering if you can
create the entire manuscript in one go…

You CAN create a complete manuscript
in ONE GO using our proprietary
bulk creation tech!

This is a whole another level of sophistication.

Let’s say you want to create a cryptogram puzzle book with 100 pages. So instead of going about creating each page using the already sophisticated tools we have within the app, you ask the app to do the heavy lifting for you.

The Bulk Book Creation Tech. we have built into CPG will take all your phrases, hints and the number of clues you want to provide in the cipher in one go and craft an EPIC manuscript for you.

Not only that, it will actually help you design all your pages just the way you want it.

Here’s how it works…


Insert the default cryptogram page and design the page layout

In the first step you insert the default cryptogram puzzle into the canvas and then change the layout to achieve the desired results. The drag and drop features in the canvas make it super easy for you to do that.


Prepare the input .csv file using the template provided

Next step is to prepare the input .csv file containing all your phrases or sentences. You can also insert the hints, author name and the number of cipher clues you would want to provide in the puzzles you create.


Use the bulk book creation tech to upload the file

This is where things get interesting…


very very interesting!


All you really do here is input the data prepared in the last step to the app using the bulk book creation tech and let the app do all the hard work. It will craft an impeccable manuscript using the phrases provided in the input file while adhering to the exact specifications you asked for.

CLICK the Buy Button Below!

Regular Price $197…You SAVE $50!

The bulk book creation tech. Is not limited to the
letter based cryptogram puzzles only…

The bulk book creation tech works like
a charm for symbol and icons based
cryptogram puzzles as well!

That’s right, the bulk book creation tech. Is extremely fluid and works like a charm for the symbol and icon based cryptogram puzzles.

All you need to do is change the master page to contain a cryptogram puzzle created using one of the 24 cipher strategies you get as a part of your CPG Premium purchase.

That’s all there is to it really.

Once you have the master file ready follow the bulk book creation process as earlier and you would have your book bulk created in no time at all.

Take a look at the 24 built-in premium
cipher strategies integrated
inside the application…

Wouldn’t it be absolutely phenomenal
if you could use your own icons and
symbols to create puzzles?

That’s exactly what we have done for you to add the ultimate flexibility of letting you create very high end cryptogram books that are unique to you.

You don’t have to be dependent on the 24 cipher strategies we have given to create high end symbol based cryptogram puzzles.

Rather you can now create your very own cipher strategy that is unique to you.

You can take any collection of 26 icons or symbols and use them in the cryptogram puzzles you create for your KDP book.

As long as you have the rights to use the icons or symbols the way you intend to use them it’s all good.

And the process is super straight forward…


Upload your icons to the app

This is the first step of the process, where you upload your icons to the app using the conveniently placed “upload icon” button.


Insert the special default puzzle created for custom icon based puzzles

There’s a special default puzzle type that is available to all the CPG Premium buyers. Once you have the icons uploaded, all you need to do is insert the default puzzle using this special option and you would have a brand new cryptogram puzzle created using the custom icons uploaded by you.


Customize the puzzle and download

This is the final step where you can customize the look and feel of the app, change the phrase, the difficulty level of the puzzles and so on. Now all that is left to do is download the puzzle.

You can actually use the bulk book creation tech. And the option to upload and use your own icons in the cryptograms in tandem to create 100% unique manuscripts in a matter of minutes.

Imagine a manuscript created in a matter of minutes, that is of extremely high quality and is 100% unique to.

Try and beat that!

I can hear what you say in your mind…

Niranjan, this is outright crazy stuff! Can I afford this? I feel this is going to cost me an arm and a leg. Just tell me the price so I can calm down!

Just a few more minutes and we’ll get there!

Because we ain’t done yet with all that this premium upgrade has to offer.

Whaaat…there’s more?

We wanted you to be able to create
high end books for hard core
cryptogram puzzle solvers!

The most passionate audience in the cryptogram puzzles niche is that of puzzle solvers who just can’t resist a good collection of cryptogram puzzles.

The good thing about this audience is they keep buying cryptogram puzzle books again and again.

These hobbyists are the crowd you need to look for to sell a boat load of your books. But then there is one problem. These are pro level puzzle solvers and they mean business.

They do not like the idea of having one puzzle per page.

Imagine this…

If you were a cryptogram enthusiast, would you spend your money on buying a 100 page book consisting of 100 cryptogram puzzles or would you rather buy a cryptogram puzzle book consisting of 300 puzzles?

I am sure you see the value in buying a puzzle book which has more puzzles given all other parameters remain the same.

That’s more challenges and hours of fun for the same investment.

Now that you know the preference of hard core puzzle solvers, the next question is what changes when you cater to this audience.

Well, the only way you can achieve 300 puzzles in 100 pages is by having multiple cryptogram puzzles in one page.

That’s exactly what these super popular cryptogram puzzle books are tapping into in the Amazon KDP marketplace

Now imagine this…anything that you have seen so far is designed to create one puzzle per page. The canvas is flexible enough for you to insert multiple puzzles per page but can you imagine the amount of work involved in getting that done manually.

You would have to start with a book of 300 pages each page containing one puzzle and then manually insert multiple puzzles into each page thereby bringing the page count down to 100 pages.

That’s possible…

But not for our tribe!

We don’t spend 75% of our business revenue on new tech. R&D for nothing!

We decided to take the bull by its horns and six months of rigorous research and testing led to the birth of the flow layout technology.

Our proprietary FLOW layout tech. helps
you craft multi puzzle pages for puzzle
enthusiasts effortlessly…

The flow layout technology is the solution we created to help you create cryptogram puzzle books that are geared towards experienced puzzle solvers which by far is the most passionate audience that you can have for your books.

This tech took us more than six months to develop and it automates the bulk of the hard work involved in creating multi puzzle Cryptogram pages.


Insert the special default cryptogram for flow layout

There’s a special default cryptogram designed to work with the flow layout tech. All you need to do is click on one button and the cryptogram would be inserted.


Adjust the puzzle to optimize the space

The idea behind having multiple puzzles per page is to optimize the puzzle to consume as little space as possible. There are a multitude of ways in which it can be done. All you really need to do is point and click and drag and drop!


Use the bulk book creation tech to create the entire book in one go

This is the final step where the magic happens. Now is the time to put the app to work and get all the heavy lifting done. Use the familiar bulk book creation technology and input the phrases information to get the entire manuscript created in a matter of minutes.

Wow…this is awesome!
what’s the cost?

I hear you ask!

This is a true enterprise grade app that we have been working on for the past three years.

Given the engineering resources we have deployed to make it happen we could easily charge a monthly recurring fee.

But we are not going to do that!

Our vision is to empower the indie publishing community to create mid content books that are good enough to take big publishing houses headon.

Staying true to that vision we are offering this premium app for just $147!

That’s right…you get everything you have seen on this page for just $147.

If you use this app for just one year…

It equates to $12 per month!

And that’s around 40 cents per day!

Do you think being able to create a stunning cryptogram book in a day for 40 cents is a good enough deal?

And if you have access to the app for three years which is pretty normal for the apps we create it costs you just 9 cents per day.

It’s a BIG DEAL in my books as a serious KDP publisher.

Let’s look at it from another perspective.

If you are serious about your business and use the app to create cryptogram books, in a worst case scenario you would easily save about 100 hours of your production time in the span of a year.

In reality the saving would be much more man hours than that, but let’s run with that number for now.

Assuming you put a $15 minimum wage, the saving of 100 hours equates to $1,500.

Would you trade $147 to get back $1,500 worth of your time?

I for sure would!

Here’s why you CAN’T
AFFORD to miss this!

Save a lot of your time...

With this powerful upgrade you will save a lot of time over the course of a year. This alone is a big enough reason to get in on this at the current low price.

Get into a relatively untapped niche...

Creating symbol based cryptogram puzzles takes a lot of time even for seasoned artists that know their way through software like Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Suite. This upgrade levels the playing field for non technical business owners to not only get into the niche but also profit from it.

Quicker to market products...

It can take forever to publish a portfolio of products in the cryptograms niche in general and the symbols based cryptograms niche in particular. A better alternative is to create high quality books faster using this upgrade and get your products out there in the market sooner.

Professionally formatted books...

That’s right, you will be able to create books that pros would have a hard time believing were created by a software app. Complete with all the bells and whistles this is going to be your secret weapon in this niche. All the formatting options you would need to create a good quality book is right inside of the app.

All the hard work is done for you...

As cliche as it sounds, there’s no other better way of putting this across. We have done all of the hard work so you can start profiting from it without wasting any time on a steep learning curve

Liberal commercial use license...

We are publishers ourselves and understand the pain of having to deal with complex licensing mumbo jumbo. With our simple license you get to use these to create books that you can commercially benefit from by selling on Amazon KDP that are compliant with our licensing terms mentioned below.

5 star customer support…

We are an email away if you ever need any kind of support. We take pride in our customer support and can assure you that we will be there for you when you need us. We also have a thriving group on fb comprising 3,000+ low content publishers just like yourself ready to help you out.

CLICK the Buy Button Below!

Regular Price $197…You SAVE $50!

Can’t wait to have you onboard…

Niranjan Pradhan

KDP Publisher and Co-Creator

BP Mishra

KDP Publisher and Co-Creator

P:S Look, we have done everything in our capacity to ensure you succeed with this business model. You get to create high quality cryptogram puzzle books using the CPG app and now with this upgrade you will be able to create your books even faster…in a matter of hours. You will be able to create puzzles using your own icons and symbols. This would take your KDP business to a whole new level. It Just Doesn’t Get Any Better!

P:P:S We have spent more than three years of our and our team’s time and not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars to develop the tech powering all of this. We did it so you don’t have to when you want to create and profit from cryptogram puzzle books for your Amazon KDP business. Stop the hassle of creating such premium books and start profiting from the cryptogram books niche on Amazon KDP. Take advantage of this offer today!

P:P:P:S Remember we are here to hold your hand and take you through the process so you don’t get stuck. This is $7,999+ worth of production value that you are getting for a small one time investment of $147.

Click the button below now 
to get CPG Premium for
$197 $147 ONLY!

CLICK the Buy Button Below!

Regular Price $197…You SAVE $50!


Frequently Asked Questions

No! All sales are final. So please make sure you can and will use the product in your business before you make the purchase.

Please reach out to our friendly support team with your questions and we will do our best to answer your questions. Please expect a turnaround time of 48 hours on weekdays to get back to you with an answer. Oftentimes we respond much faster but please allow us the time as mentioned above just in case the support team gets very busy! The support email address is

Yes, we provide step by step video training on how to use the various features included in Cryptogram Puzzles Generator Premium.

The software is designed to work with SVG files.

No! Not all SVG files are created equal and oftentimes they do not follow standard protocols.

Ideally it should be. The SVGs following non standard protocols may not work.

Cryptogram Puzzles Generator Premium is a cloud based application. Therefore the software works on your computer irrespective of whether you have a PC or a Mac.

In case you get stuck with the app and need help we have got you covered. We have got an extremely responsive support team waiting to help you out. On top of that we have solid communities built around our products where you will have other like minded business builders helping you out.

You don’t have to buy this or any other upgrade to make the front end application work. The front end application does what it says on the front end sales page. Think of the upgrades as additional features available for a fee for advanced users who want to grow their business faster with automated tools that save time. Our users pick the upgrades up to make their workflow more streamlined and save time. If you wish to, you can pick this upgrade to add to your purchase. It’s not mandatory.

The only reason why we strongly recommend you take a look at this upgrade is because it’s jam packed with value. And at the moment the launch price is the lowest it will ever get.

Unlimited downloads are not connected to this purchase. It’s connected to the PRO version. So if you get the PRO version you would get an unlimited download option for every single feature inside the various products included in this funnel.

Yes! You can sell your books on Amazon KDP, Etsy and through your own ecommerce websites and keep 100% of the profits. When you sell your books to the end user you sell them with personal use rights, so your customers can use the books for their personal use.

No! You can’t. This purchase allows you to create and use books where you sell those to the end user and thus make a profit from selling the books you create. You cannot sell how to draw books to a client who uses the assets or the book you sold for commercial use.

Yes, this is an upgrade version. You cannot purchase this part of the funnel in isolation. It’s mandatory to purchase the front end product called Cryptogram Puzzles Generator. Once you have purchased the front end product you may then decide to pick this premium version up.

We can, but we don’t! Two main reasons…

  • Our customers get a better chance of picking and choosing between the options they want when this is divided into parts with their own pricing
  • Based on our two decades of marketing data we make more money when we sell our products using this model

No! You can’t. You cannot create any content to sell on such platforms using the app.

In case you got this and do not have the front end product then your purchase would be promptly refunded for this product and you would be requested for getting the front end before you make this purchase.

You may skip this sales page and move on to the next step of the funnel by scrolling to the bottom of the page where you’ll find a blue text link that reads…

No Thanks! I understand I am missing out on a lot of value but I would give this a pass!

Once you click on that link at the bottom of the page you will be taken away from this product and moved to the next step in the funnel.

No, you get access to the assets mentioned in this specific product page only. It’s mandatory to purchase the front end product called Cryptogram Puzzles Generator. This product doesn’t include features mentioned in any of the other modules.

The 24 cipher strategies including the code and symbols are part of the product. But there are no other graphics included as part of the Premium module. We have used custom icons to show some of the application features. They are not part of the product.

As mentioned earlier, we have designed this app to help you profit from the content you create, in ways that your license allows you to. However please note that these are certain things that are not allowed…

  • You cannot sell resell rights to the products you create
  • You cannot sell PLR rights to the products you create
  • You cannot create freebies using the app and distribute them
  • You cannot sell any content created using this software on Fiverr, Creative Fabrica, Design Cuts or other such stock sites
  • You cannot create freebies using the app and distribute them
  • You cannot use the name of the creators of the application or the Cryptogram Puzzles Generator brand in any of the products you sell

Building a business takes time, even CPG can’t help it! What CPG can help with is save time on product creation so you can spend time on other important aspects of the business. 15 minutes spent on deciding what features and products you want and getting them will save us all a lot of time going back and forth on the support side of things. Goes to show we actually do care for you and your time.

No, we can’t! Anything that needed to be said about the features and the product has already been said on the page already. If you think the product is not valuable for you then you are right!

You may want to simply skip this sales page and move on to the next step of the funnel and the way you can do that is by scrolling to the bottom of the page where you’ll find a blue text link that reads…

No Thanks! I understand I am missing out on a lot of value but I would give this a pass!

Once you click on that link at the bottom of the page you will be taken away from this offer and moved to the next step in the funnel.

Yes! At the moment when you are reading this the product is available for a low one time fee. However we reserve the right to increase the price or change this into a monthly/annual subscription model without any prior notice.

Yes you can, but the price may increase in future! Now is the best time to get in at the current discounted price.

CLICK the Buy Button Below!

Regular Price $197…You SAVE $50!

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